"Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.
Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." (Jeremiah 29:7 NIV)
Who We Are
Traditional Chambers of Commerce are designed to function internationally, nationally and locally with a proven record of success for the benefit of business, commerce, and communities. What makes the Greater Atlanta Christian Chamber Coalition (GAC3) different than other Chambers is that we run the organization based on a Biblical foundation with an outward focus to ensure that everyone in the city prospers (regardless of whether they accept Jesus as Messiah – just as the early church did within their communities).
Therefore, the leadership and all members of the Greater Atlanta Christian Chamber Coalition are dedicated to seeking the welfare of all people in the cities and counties within our region through strategic intercession and developing a sense of unity amongst all Coalition members similar to Acts 2 and Ephesians 4, as well as providing equipping opportunities for businesses and community leaders to network and grow together towards a higher level of effectiveness and financial prosperity for all.
WE BELIEVE that God is the Eternal King. He is an infinite, unchangeable Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, goodness, justice, power, and love. From all eternity He exists as the One Living and True God in three persons of one substance, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory. WE BELIEVE that the Word of God is inspired, infallible, inerrant, and authoritative – living and active, applicable to any situation, and available to any person who seeks His wisdom. WE BELIEVE that God's Kingdom is everlasting. From His throne, through His Son, His eternal Word, God created, upholds, and governs all that exists: the heavenly places, the angelic hosts, the universe, the earth, every living thing, and mankind. God created all things very good. WE BELIEVE that Satan, originally a great, good angel, rebelled against God, taking a host of angels with him. He was cast out of God's presence and, as a usurper of God's rule established a counter kingdom of darkness and evil on earth. WE BELIEVE that God created mankind in His image, male and female, for relationship with Himself and to govern the earth. We believe God creates each person with an immutable biological sex — male or female — that reflects the image and likeness of God. We believe God designed marriage as a life-long covenantal relationship joining one man and one woman as a representation of Christ and the church. God intends sexual intimacy only to occur within that relationship. WE BELIEVE that in the fullness of time, God honored His covenants with Israel and His prophetic promises of salvation by sending His only Son, Jesus, into the world. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, as fully God and fully man in one person, He lived a sinless life, was crucified, resurrected from the dead, and ascended into heaven to be seated at the right hand of God the Father. Whoever believes Jesus is the son of God and Lord of all, and receives the gift of salvation through repentance, is born again into a new creation, and sealed with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Salvation is for the Jews and the Gentiles. And because of that, we believe God endows all human life with inherent dignity, and it must be respected and protected since life begins at conception. WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit was poured out on the evening of the resurrection, when Jesus breathed upon his disciples and told them to receive the Holy Spirit; and that the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit is our abiding Helper, Teacher, and Guide. We believe in baptism in the name of the Father, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We believe in the present ministry of the Spirit. WE BELIEVE that in partnership with the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, God's Kingdom will be established in the glorious, visible, and triumphant appearing of Christ: His return to the earth as King. Until then, Jesus Christ calls all of us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. Lordship of Christ requires us as disciples to seek to conform our actions, thoughts, desires and apply His Kingdom principles and ways to all that we do in obedience to Him and His Word through Scripture. For if we love Him, we will obey His commands.
Our Statement of Faith
Our Vision
To see transformed lives and God’s blessings in our city region through an alive, active, and united body of Christ across all city sectors and communities.
Our Mission
To unite and resource the body of Christ across all city sectors in greater Atlanta, restoring biblical truth and unity, collaborating and supporting one another, and implementing Kingdom strategies that will transform lives, revive communities, protect families, influence younger generations, help the vulnerable, and reach the lost.
What We Do
Serve business leaders and leaders from all community sectors across Greater Atlanta
Cultivate Kingdom influence across all city sectors and communities so God may bless and bring prosperity according to His will
Awaken, serve and activate the Ekklesia unto unity through biblical shared values and the collaborative work of business leaders, churches, institutions, government offices, ministries, and individuals
Build bridges and relationships that bring non-believers to Christ
Restore and preserve the credible truth of God’s Word and our identity in God’s image through Christ in the church and in the culture
Establish a resilient church that will stand in the face of opposition, persecution, and remain faithful to the Word of God
Preserve and protect our marriages and families
Save our children and raise up young leaders
Promote holistic development and pathways for individuals to fulfill their God-given purpose and calling to work
Take care of one another, especially the vulnerable and the helpless
1. Build a Strong Prayer Network
2. Development of a broad City Watchmen Council
Have representation across city regions
Capture prayer requests and real life challenges
Build local relationships across sectors in the area
3. Local Communities
Building bridges between churches = Unity
Building bridges between businesses, ministries, non-profits and churches
Building bridges between local and national governments
Initiatives to develop the well-being of families
Biblical initiative to care for widows/orphans (and single parents)
Identify social needs and Partner with Jesus to solve them
4. Member Businesses & Organizations
Increase economic opportunities
Partner with Jesus in socioeconomic needs and increased commerce for all
Provide tools, resources and equipping opportunities for member success and financial growth
Create an environment for new businesses and entrepreneurs to grow and be mentored by seasoned business owners
5. Next Generation:
Raising up and develop the next generation of leaders
Building relationships with youth and college students
Developing their identity in Christ and support along their faith journey
6. Collaboration with businesses for mentoring, internships, and job opportunities (or entrepreneurships)
Planned Areas for Impact
Donate to Support the Launch
and Development of GAC3

Would you prayerfully consider donating towards the startup costs of the Greater Atlanta Christian Chamber Coalition (GAC3), and also prayerfully consider who in your network you can introduce us to that may be interested in donating towards those costs? USCCC maintains a 501(c)3 fund. We appreciate it! Thanks!
Donation link (Use QR Code if donating through your cell phone or tablet): https://uschristianchamberofcommerceflorida.growthzoneapp.com/ap/contribute/vP3q1lrg
Important: In the “Additional Information” section designate it to the Greater Atlanta City Impact Coalition per the screenshot below to ensure it is sent to our chamber
Tax Receipt: Will be emailed shortly after donation has processed

© 2025 Greater Atlanta Christian Chamber Coalition | Email: AtlantaCityImpact@gmail.com